Higher Education Grant
Architecture is a complex discipline that extends beyond building design and construction, with careful consideration given to the context of the surrounding landscape, the people who will occupy the building, and large-scale environmental issues such as climate change and sustainability.
With this multi-faceted model in mind, renowned architectural firm Beyer Blinder Belle has created a scholarship at the Spitzer School of Architecture to support students who demonstrate both exceptional ability and financial need. BBB Partner Carlos Cardoso, City College of New York and Spitzer School graduate, led the establishment of the $10,000 scholarship, emphasizing that financial assistance toward tuition and living expenses at Spitzer is integral to fostering a
diversity of talent. Although Beyer Blinder Belle Foundation (BBBF) underwrites a travel fellowship open to U.S. architecture graduate students, Cardoso envisioned something more tailored to Spitzer students’ needs.
“Not every student has the means to travel, between supporting an education and working. We responded to this by we are creating a scholarship that was need-based,” said Cardoso.